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Join a physical edge node running vanilla Ubuntu 22.04 to an EdgeFarm cluster

First, select the type of EdgeFarm cluster you have:

You need a running and VPN enabled EdgeFarm cluster. See Create a local EdgeFarm cluster for testing for instructions.

You need a running and Cloud driven EdgeFarm cluster, e.g. running on Hetzner Cloud. See Create a EdgeFarm cluster that runs on Hetzner Cloud for instructions.

Raspberry Pi 4 notes

For the Raspberry Pi you need to install the package linux-modules-extra-raspi and enable some boot options to make it work with Kubernetes.

apt update
apt install linux-modules-extra-raspi
sed -i '$s/$/ cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory/' /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt


This How-To shows how to add a Raspberry Pi 4 with a vanilla Ubuntu 22.04 as an Edge Node. If you have a different hardware or OS your mileage may vary but the general steps should be adaptable.

The device should be running

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • systemd
  • Docker
  • udev
  • cgroupv2

Pre-register the Edge Node using local-up

Pre-register the node using local-up to create the corresponding resources for the edge node.

By default, the nodename is the hostname of the edge node. If you didn't define a different TTL using the --ttl argument for your token, you have 24 hours to join the node to the cluster. After that, the token expires and you won't be able to join using this token.

See this example to pre-register a node with the name eagle:

$ local-up node join --name eagle
Here is some information you need to join a edge node to this cluster.

If you haven't already linked the node to the VPN, you must establish the connection to the VPN beforehand.

Use can use this setup-key 375EE66D-E647-4B75-A9FC-########### to connect to VPN. 
# (1)!

Ensure that the /etc/hosts file on your physical edge node contains the following entry: edgefarm-control-plane 
# (2)!

Use this token 123456.0wm9r81m6dlozk30 to join the cluster. You have 1 day to join the cluster before this token expires. 
# (3)!

If you experience any problems, please consult the documentation at or file an issue at
  1. Keep the netbird setup-key for connecting the edge node to the VPN.
  2. Add this entry in /etc/hosts. '' is the VPN IP address of the control-plane node of your local cluster.
  3. Keep this token for later to join the node.
$ local-up node join --name eagle --config ~/hetzner-config.yaml 
Here is some information you need to join a edge node to this cluster.

If you haven't already linked the node to the VPN, you must establish the connection to the VPN beforehand.

Use can use this setup-key B0BB22F7-4890-41D7-908A-########### to connect to VPN. 
# (1)!

Use this token 123456.5emtbddc32xjlplg to join the cluster reachable here: 
# (2)!
You have 1 day to join the cluster before this token expires.

If you experience any problems, please consult the documentation at or file an issue at
  1. Keep the netbird setup-key for connecting the edge node to the VPN.
  2. Keep this token and cluster ip:port for later to join the node.

Edge Node preparations

Install Ubuntu Server 22.04 on your target machine. It doesn't matter if you use a Virtual Machine, a Raspberry Pi or any other physical machine.

Make sure that you have SSH access to the Pi and that you can log in as root.

Install required packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install curl -y

Run the Edge Node prepare script

Download the ubuntu-22.04-edge-node-config.tar.gz from the EdgeFarm releases page and extract it on your edge node.

$ tar xvfz ubuntu-22.04-edge-node-config.tar.gz

Run the script as root. This step takes care of the following tasks:

  • install Docker, socat and conntrack
  • install netbird
  • disable swap
  • setup some udev rules and scripts

Once done, connect netbird using a netbird setup-key.

netbird up -k <your token>

You should see the interface wt0 using ip a now.

$ ip addr show dev wt0
13: wt0: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1280 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/none # (1)!
    inet brd scope global wt0 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  1. The IP address is

Join the Edge Node

Modify the /etc/hosts file on your edge node the way the local-up node join's output told you.

<IP ADDRESS> edgefarm-control-plane # (1)!
  1. In the example above, the IP address is So your entry must be edgefarm-control-plane.

Join the Edge Node to the EdgeFarm cluster by running the script as root. Use the bootstrap token from the local-up node join output.

./ --address edgefarm-control-plane:6443 --token <bootstrap-token> --node-ip $(cat /usr/local/etc/wt0.ip) --join --convert --node-type kubeadm

Join the Edge Node to the EdgeFarm cluster by running the script as root. Use the token and ip:port from the local-up node join output.

./ --address <ip:port> --token <bootstrap-token> --node-ip $(cat /usr/local/etc/wt0.ip) --join --convert --node-type kubeadm 

Verify the Edge Node

Verify that the Edge Node is ready to use. Let's say the hostname of the node is eagle.

Ensure that the envirnment variable KUBECONFIG is set to the kubeconfig file of the EdgeFarm cluster.

$ KUBECONFIG=~/.edgefarm-local-up/kubeconfig kubectl get nodes | grep eagle
eagle    Ready    <none>   1M    v1.22.17