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API Reference

Trait: edgefarm-network


↩ Parent

Field Type Description Required
network object The name of the network the component shall be connected to. true
daprProtocol string The protocol used to connect to the network. Supported protocols are grpc and http. Defaults to grpc. false
daprGrpcPort int32 The port dapr uses for grpc. Defaults to 3500. false
daprHttpPort int32 The port dapr uses for http. Defaults to 3501. false
daprAppPort int32 The port the application uses to communicate with dapr. Defaults to 50001. false

↩ Parent

Field Type Description Required
name string The name of the network the component shall be connected to. true
username string The username used to authenticate to the network. true
subnetwork string The subnetwork used to connect to the network. true