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edgefarm.applications Overview

As EdgeFarm uses OpenYurt as a core component edgefarm.applications is a convenience wrapper around standard Kubernets and OpenYurt APIs.

It provides a simple way to describe an application and deploy it to the EdgeFarm cluster. The application delivery model behind it is Open Application Model, or OAM for short and KubeVela.


Writing a manifest for edgefarm.applications is easy. Applications are described in components of a given type. So called taints are used to configure/add/remove specific settings to the components.


Currently supported component types are:


Currently supported traits are:

  • edgefarm-network - a trait that allows you to connect your application to a network
  • edgefarm-storage - a trait that allows you to mount a volume to your application


See the examples page on how to learn more about edgefarm.applications and how to use it.